# of watchers: 12
Fans: 0
| D20: 14 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: oh... no? is that it? yeah, that's it.. oh no.
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *keeps punches it then takes out sword* DIEEEEEEEEEEEE
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: dude! I thought you loved that tree... What the hell?!?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *screams* AHHHH! ALLALLALALALAL
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: YOU KILLED IT!!! AGAIN!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *blinks* no i didnt
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: YES YOU DID!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: well why do you have tree blood on your hands...XD
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: WTF MATE?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *looks at hands* what sword? *looks around and doesnt have a sword in his hand*.....
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: GARY KILLED THE TREE! AGAIN!
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: lol nice journal roxas
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: XD hey you cant call me roxas anymore [tweeek tweek] see? XD! and no i didnt YOU DID! *sees a butter knife in your hand* im sure the squirrls will aggree..*bribs them with nuts when no ones looking*
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: GARY HAS A FLIPPING NAME!
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: too bad Tidus STOLE Gary's sn...
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: ?
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: Tidus changed his SN to Roxas... which was Gary's old SN until that hate club...
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: ok gary
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: good boy
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: XD i guess its HIS hate club now XD
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: or you can pick a name out of here....garys nicknames
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: -_.
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **the squirrels point at Gary still**
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *gives them a huge bag of nuts*......
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: well its destroyed now i had it demolished
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **squirrels still point at Gary**
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **squirrels steal the bag of nuts**
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: Ok...i promise you all squirrel strippers then.....
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *screams*AHHHH
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: THERE FREAKING SQUIRRELS! They don't want strippers...
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **the squirrels point toward me**
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *blinks*......
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: no, they just want the strippers... damn perverted squirrels...
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *stops screaming and falls down laughing*rofl
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: shakes my head... I have such perverted realtives...
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *laughs and goes to the pet store and gets female squirrls,teach
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: no, they want human strippers. I don't know why though...
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *runs over to gary and pokes one of the female squirrels then takes off running and screaming* ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *lets them go then walks back to the squirrls* go download porno then
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **the squirrels point at Gary**
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *stare*....you want ME to do it.......
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: no, they're blaming you for the tree.
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *takes the squirrels to hooters* mwah hahahaha
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *anime sweat drop* ok....nothing weirder than a WOMEN going into hooters other than to work
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: Ummmm i visiting my aunt? lol she acctually does work there!
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **squirrels point at Gary and tell the Hooters waitress what happened, waitress slaps Gary**
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: *laughs at gary*
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: AUNT MISSY! DONT SLAP GARY!
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *laughs* my point is proved.....Ouc
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: I'MMA TELL NANNY ON YOU!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: NO IM SORRY!
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: *LAUGHS*
2006-08-03 [spartan glory]: **laughs at Gary... again**
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: NOT YOU! AUNT MISSY!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: T-T ......STRIPPER
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: they burn your eyes?oh well
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: pooooooooooooo
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: ______________
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: wtf?
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: lol it waas suppoed to be a pot leaf but it didnt fit
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: GOOD! stupid lousy no good god damn pot!
2006-08-03 [Elf_Person]: hi
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *rolls around on the floor* THEY BURN
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *gets eye cleaner for gary*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *drinks it* OH! MINT!
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: WTF MATE?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: got anymore?
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *hands him more*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *drinks it all*
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: more?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: Maybe just one....
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *hands him another*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *drinks it* ok i full
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: lol
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: I have a new picture im gonna put up.....*poke* but i dont like it lol
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: just put it up!
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: O-o geeze.......ma
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: ummmmm oh yeah! please?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *crys* you hurt my feelings.....A
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: *gets out another picture of cathy and hands it to him*
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *takes it* my cathy...
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: better?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *nods* ....yes yes i am....
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: good.
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: **hugs the picture* i miss my cathy....
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: oi...
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: >.< DAMNIT STOP THAT!
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: stop what?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: *is talking to the ground* YOU ALWAYS STARE AT MEEEE!
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: gary?*touches your shoulder* why are you yelling at the ground?
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: T-T because It called me a monkey.....
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: uh-huh... you do know jimmy never answered Sakonna in Airship rp 2 room
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: Because Jimmy thinks Sakonna is mean and wants to kill him ...XD JK! lol like my new picture
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: what u sittin on? anywayz i g2g gary.
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: my airhockey table and ttyl!
2006-08-03 [Hinata-Chan]: bye! lol
2006-08-03 [Sky Chord]: BAAAAAAAAAI
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: hiya gary!
2006-08-04 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *throws a beanie toy of Doogal at gary* YOU HAVE JUST BEEN DOOGLED! XD
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: *hugs gary* MY GARY!
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: *Screams like a little girl* IM TO YOUNG TO BE DOOGLED *throws it back at ed* NOW IM NOT MUHAHAHA
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: g2g! bye bye!
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: kay ttyl
2006-08-04 [Elf_Person]: Old Japan RP
2006-08-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: god damn if i had a penny for every time someone cried on here i would be filthy fucking rich...theres other things to cry about than the silly little things in life. you know. quit acting imature and think about how stupid you're being
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: O_o who...
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: OH! i think i know.......
2006-08-04 [Elf_Person]: your right
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: how do you think Rob?
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: gary!
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: *hides* >.<''''
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: lol
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: *screams*
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: gary, you want more eye cleaner?
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: *shakes head*
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: are you full?
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: *nod* i had chocolate milk!
2006-08-04 [Hinata-Chan]: lol oooo can i have some?
2006-08-04 [Sky Chord]: *gives you a jug*
2006-08-04 [Elf_Person]: how do i think you dont want to know
2006-08-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: im talking about everybody period....im frustrated, im tired, my eye burns like fucking hell and i come on here with 40 messages back from the damn ER just to hear people moan and groan and complain
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: Woah! Thats a lot of messages *huggles cathy* i so sowwie T-T
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *hugs back*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *hug* >>.<< [kai kai] says:Im so sorry! are you ok!? (i was up most of the night watching scary movies...T-T))
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: tell her im fine...ill live anyways....im just so god damn itchy and its pissing me off and im fucking burning up when i have the A.C. on and the fan going and a damn icepack on my eye
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: She says:Im sorry,When Gary had it i thought I gave him a black eye...) O_O..
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: Oo....XD thats kinda funny....mines some type of bacteria piece of shit or w/e the fuck. i seriousley thought i was gonna go blind....well im already blind but yeah XD
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: Lol,OH! So its infected then.Typical summer junk,When i was 12,[kai kai] put tape over my eyes while i was sleeping,when i woke up and tried to open my eyes i screamed "IM BLIND! IM BLIND!" then ran into the wall....
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *cracks up so hard*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: I wasnt mad....i thought it was a REALLY good joke!
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: thats funny though i should do that to my sisters bf
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: XD make sure its clear tape,when she did it my parents couldnt see it!
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: clear ducktape gary.....?
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: Yeah! youve never seen clear duct tape?
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *laughs*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: O_o....*laughs with you*
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: oniehoo...
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: O_o.....
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: [Grobbo] got me saying it
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: Lol Gary told you to say it to Gary then...
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: XD yep
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *lick* amazing....
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *giggles*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *poke!*
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *pokesb ack*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *hug* >.< *writes:i love you)then gives it to you* MESSAGE FROM GARY! *runs*
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *blinks and watches him run*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *jumps in the air*
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *laugfhs and shakes head*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: WHEEEEEEEEE
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: Oo...
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *falls*
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: OO *runs over to him* you ok?
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: I fell for you.....XD Corny Pickup lines ALWAYS work :P
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: XD *cracks up laughing* yeah because the other person feels bad for them
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *nod* do you feel abd for me XD
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: nuu!
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: Lol
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *lick*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *meep*!
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *giggles*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *huggles*
2006-08-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: *hugs back*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *glomp*
2006-08-05 [Perfectly Flawed]: Rum <3
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: :P Yep! thats in my living room too! lol we have a bar in our living room!
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: GARY HELP AUTUMN IS AT MY HOUSE!!!!!!! Autumn says HI
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *blinks*.....h
2006-08-05 [Hinata-Chan]: HIO GARY! *hugs gary*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *Screams* NU! NO HUGGIE! *crys* my back aches!
2006-08-05 [Hinata-Chan]: awwwwwwwwwws i sowwys gary! do you need me to massage your back?
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *shakes head* no....and read my mood ill be on and off...
2006-08-05 [Hinata-Chan]: i did
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: O_o um.....ok
2006-08-05 [Hinata-Chan]: lol u gonna rp?
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: caaaaaaaaant *is lost*
2006-08-05 [Hinata-Chan]: oi... troubles and Kento are going to sleep... Sakonna's in her room with the music up as loud as it can go, Bubbles is looking for sora, and Tasha's music is blasting too.
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: T-T *anime sigh*
2006-08-05 [Hinata-Chan]: now ya know
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: GARYYYYYYYYYYY
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: yes.......
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: ......why?!
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: AUTUMN IS ANNOYING
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: O_o ah.....*cheers
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: haha
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *anime sweat*.....
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: okay
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: ,,,,,,,,,,ah ok......
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *hugs Gary*
2006-08-05 [Sky Chord]: *meeps and runs* EEEEEEEEEEEP
2006-08-05 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *chases gary and grabs him*
2006-08-06 [Sky Chord]: *disappears* im getting WAAAAAY to many calls on my cell phone T-T *turns it off*
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: i thouight u died cause u didnt say anything *cries*
2006-08-06 [Elf_Person]: heloo ppl
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hey rob
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